Productivity Tip – Enhanced Clipboard on Windows 10

Next time you are copying and pasting text or small images between programs or browser tabs, instead of pasting the content with Control + V, try using WINDOWS KEY + V.

Introduced in a 2018 Update to Windows 10, this feature allows you to store multiple items on the clipboard, as well as the ability to see what you have copied. Unfortunately, this enhanced clipboard only seems to work with text and small images, so will be of no assistance when copying large files.

However, the ability to store multiple long file paths along with code snippets is quite useful. I can remember several instances of where I have been programming and copying code from one file to another and at the same time needed to copy files with long paths. Putting everything on the clipboard frees up a lot of mental energy as you now have all the data you need in one place, and no longer need to performn the copy and pasting steps in a specific order.